So, I am sitting here this evening and creeping people on Facebook (come on, you do it, too! Lol) who used to be friends of mine. Why was I looking at their pages you might ask? Curiosity I guess. You ever have FOMO (fear of missing out)? Well, for a fraction of a second I had that. So I creeped. And you know what? I’m not missing out on anything.
I am a firm believer that people come into our life for a reason and a season. These past friends served a reason and a season in my life. That ended and I feel no ill feeling against them. I was bitter. I was angry. I was hurt. “How can you stop talking to me? “How can you not want to be my friend anymore!?’ It bothered me for quite awhile but like most things, I got over it and yanno what? I’m ok. My reason/season was fulfilled. I had many, many good times with these people. We bonded over countless life events (good and bad) and well, I considered them to be very good friends.
One of these friends ended our friendship over text message. I guess I saw the end coming. The other, well, to this day I’m still not exactly sure what happened. Well, I kind of know. Sort of? But I still don’t understand. I guess in contrast with how the other friendship ended, in a long text explaining why, this friendship just basically faded away. Not really any reasoning. It suddenly was…poof…gone.
I’m not longing for these friendships back. I’m not longing for past times. I’m not the same person I was then. And I’m pretty sure they aren’t either. I have wonderful friends in my life. I may not have dozens of them, but as I always told my kids, it’s quality….NOT quantity.
So, why all of a sudden did all of this prompt me to write in my blog for the first time in like forever? I dunno. Lol. I have had a lot of thoughts in my head lately and in the past, writing about them has always helped me. So, this post is therapeutic for me. I’m not hurting anymore about the loss of these friends. I’m happy and I’m content and I am BLESSED with the wonderful people who want to be my friend.
To those past friends, and to all of my friends…..
Thank you for being a friend. ❤️