Anyone who knows me, or who has seen my Facebook page, has seen that I am one of those (probably annoying) people who post a lot of "selfies". (In case you live under a rock, a selfie is, well, a self taken picture of yourself...posted for the world to see. lol)
Those who know me also know that I like my makeup and I am not one to go out much without makeup. Is this a vanity thing? Nah, I don't think so. Maybe more of a comfort thing. Or a self confidence thing. I can only speak for myself on that though. Everyone has their reasons for the things they do.
Recently, I have been seeing a lot of women posting selfies on Facebook with no makeup whatsoever. Why? Well, initially I had no clue. I asked and some people said it was to help young girls realize that they didn't need makeup to be beautiful. Ok....that makes sense. :) Most didn't know why people were doing it. And then one person said it was to raise awareness for cancer.
Cancer awareness? That got my attention.
So I Googled "barefacedselfie". It started in the UK. Women posted pictures of themself with no makeup with various hashtags. #barefacedselfie #cancerawareness #curecancersooner, etc. And even to a link where one could make a donation to cancer research. Not a bad thing, right?
Well, of course, when this idea made it's way to North America, the vanity started. The barefaced selfies became just that.......a picture with no hashtags, no links, leaving viewers confused (like I was) as to the reason for the photo. I'm not saying ALL....but I looked around and the majority of the pics posted from the US and Canada had no explanation. That's fine. But like I said, it left me curious and I assume others as well. It also left viewers thinking it was just another attention seeking attempt by some. (And probably true in many cases!)
Now, again for those of you who know me, KNOW that I recently lost my baby sister to cancer. She is not the only one I know who has lost the fight with that horrible disease, cancer has taken the life of several people I knew and cared about. But she was my sister and I was one of the loved ones right there with her during her fight. So, hell yeah, I am all for bringing awareness to cancer!
So, how does taking a selfie make people think of cancer? Good question. So many people have been touched by a loved one who had cancer and died or who is fighting it right now! Or they are in their own struggle! Or are in remission. Etc, etc. If I post a photo of myself with no makeup on, and make sure to add a message stating WHY I am doing it, and showing my support for those who have had or do have the disease, and people see it and/or comment on it, then I have brought the word cancer to the conversation. Then I have raised, if even only a teensy tiny bit, of cancer awareness. It is a means of support for those who are fighting cancer and it's a means of support for those who have lost someone to cancer. If this is a bad thing then shame on me for being caring.
So, I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is. I am posting my own barefaced selfie. (Along side of a with makeup one so you can see I really am barefaced). I am not posting a link to a donation page. (I think everyone knows how to Google the Cancer Society) And I am not going to apologize or justify why I am doing this. My husband and I have made a generous donation to the cancer society and will continue to do so. I say that for anyone who wants to challenge that I am only doing this for vanity purposes. I put my money where my mouth is. :)
So, here I am. With makeup and barefaced. Will you join me and put up your own picture? Or make a donation? Or spread the word? Anything you do WILL raise awareness.