Saturday, September 7, 2013

Size Matters? Evidently, to some...

I saw something today and it has been on my mind and bothering me all day.  I'm not exactly sure if it was the picture/post that I saw or just all the feelings and stuff that I associate with it.

It was a picture of a very large woman sitting in a seat at a sporting event.  The comment....and subsequent comments...were making fun of her.  


Here's the thing.  No one is perfect.  Right?  I don't ever expect perfection from anyone.  Ever.  What I DO expect, though, is for people to at least have a shred of sensitivity in them and to think about, if only for a fraction of a second, how that woman feels.  And maybe think about how much courage it may have taken that woman to even GO to that game, let alone the embarrassment she could be in for because she knew the seat would be too small and uncomfortable!  Think that maybe that there may be a medical reason for her size.  Think that, really, that making fun of someone because of their size makes you the tool.....not her!  

I am so bothered by this.  Why?  Well, for one....I can relate to that woman in some ways.  And it sucks.  Also, it bothers me because I don't judge people on how they look.  Whether it be their size, their color, how they dress....whatever.  It's wrong!  Period.  

Wanna know the main reason why this particular post pissed me off so badly??  Because the person who posted it, I thought, looked up to me.  And now I just feel that this person (and probably others) was probably laughing at me behind my back.  

And we wonder why some people just feel like they want to step away from anyone and everyone except the ones they hold nearest and dearest to them.  Well, I'll tell you's because of crap like this.

I know, I know....some people are probably thinking that it's not that big of a deal and I should just let it go.  Well it is a HUGE deal. I can't let it go that easily.  It hurts.  

PS:  I am NOT fishing for compliments here.  

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