Part of me was SO not looking forward to this thing tonight. I kept wishing Peter would say he didn't want to go. LOL But that didn't happen, so we put on our cowboy/cowgirl gear and off we went.
And it was fun. Lots of great food. Lots of (free) wine, beer and other drinks. So we mosey around checking things out. Peter even bid on a couple of items in the silent auction but he didn't win. Awww.
We walk around, sampling the different foods and drinking our Coronas. Yum. Then I had my first emotional moment of the evening. I knew this was a cancer fundraiser and, obviously, raising money to find a cure for cancer is pretty near and dear to me, but when we first got there it was like any other event, except I was in a cowboy Then we came to the Memorial Trees. You can write the name of someone who has lost the battle with cancer and they will add that name on one of the trees.
So, I wrote Nikki's name on a tag and they hung it. It was then that it hit me the reason for this whole big deal of an event. Cancer took Nikki's life, and cancer affected every single one of us who knew and loved her!! Cancer affected me!!
A little while later, we go into another room where they have speakers and the live auction. Let me tell you, I was surprised at how emotional I was just listening to the people speak. I had no idea that it would hit me like that!! So, I am sitting there listening to the speakers, and I am crying. It really struck a nerve with me! I was one of those people who's life has been changed by cancer. No, I wasn't the one who had it, but someone I loved very much did. :(
I am glad that I was able to be a part of tonight. :)
That's a lot of words to tell a short story, huh? lol Well, details are my thing as my husband tells me. ;) Takes me a little while to tell a story.

Thinking about you, Bickett. Tonight....and always. <3