Sunday, April 28, 2013

The "C" Word...

So, I start this blog as a place to rant and rave about political stuff.  Yanno, the stuff that people don't want to see on Facebook.  Mainly because, well, if you don't share their opinion, then you're WRONG!!  *eyeroll*

Anyway, since starting this blog, (that I never really used as a place to vent  about we have had some serious happenings take place in our family.  My sister was diagnosed with cancer.  Yeah..that UGLY "C" word!  It invaded someone close to me and I hate it for that!!!  My baby sister has Endometrial (Uterine) cancer.  :(  She is 42.

In January of 2012, she was diagnosed following some tests.  A couple weeks later she was having surgery, a complete hysterectomy.  That took care of the tumors and nodules on her reproductive organs, but she still had many throughout her abdomen, and a couple on her bladder.  They couldn't get them all.  So, the next step was Chemo.   Her first round consisted of 6 treatments.  That shrunk them slightly and there didn't  seem to be any new ones.  A short time later she ended up in the emergency room for pain and stuff, and after a ct scan showed more cancer, she started a second round.  Another 6 treatments of the strongest chemo and what did it do???  Nothing.  She keeps getting worse and that damn cancer just keeps taking over her body!  Causing her pain and discomfort.  

I hate this!  I am a million miles away from her!  Well, ok...1000 but it might as well be a million because that's what it feels like!!  Not that I can do anything, but it's so difficult being so far away from someone you love when they are hurting.  Physically and emotionally.  

I hate that she is going through this.  She is in pain and it's hard to watch her struggle to walk....because the tumors have grown so large they are pressing on nerves!  It's hard to watch her eat like a bird most of the time.  Food either nauseates her or it goes right through her.  She has a strong support system in the family....but we can all only do so much.  We can't take her pain away.  Lord knows I would if I could.  She pops morphine like candy and yet STILL has pain.

If this is this difficult for me, I can only imagine how she feels.  Even then I don't think I could even fully understand.  I so want to take the pain away from her.  I so want to tell her that it's all going to be ok and that is is all a dream and she (we all!) are going to wake up and things will be all well and fine.  I so want to do anything I can to make her feel good.  I love my baby sister.  If I could snap my fingers and wish this all way, I would do it in a heartbeat!  But God has a plan.  I have learned not to question His plans, but I still can't help but wonder...why?  Yanno??  

Cancer sucks.  :(