Monday, July 15, 2013

Did I Ever Tell You You're My Hero...?

So, today I had a doctor's appointment.  Nothing serious....just a med review and a check on my lungs (which have not been the same since I had pneumonia).  All was well.  Meds are all where they are supposed to be.  Other than the aches and pains of being out of shape and approaching 50, I'm relatively healthy.  

Then the doctor said she wanted to draw some blood.  Yuck.  Not my favorite thing to do.  I don't pass out or anything when they take my blood....but I can't watch them poke me.  

The nurse came in ready to siphon me dry (not really....only a couple of viles, but hey...I'm being dramatic!  heh) and I got a knot in my stomach.  Blah.  She couldn't find a good vein in either arm.  What?  I know I HAVE  Anyway, she picked one that "would do" but she had to use a smaller needle.  

I sat there and started whining.  Seriously.  I've never done that before.  Or maybe I had but never really realized that I was whining.  

At that I WATCHED her stick my little vein with the little needle, I thought of Nikki.  I thought of ALL the needles, pokes, cuts, prods and crap that she went through for a year and a half.  This little tiny needle to draw a couple of viles of blood from me was NOTHING in comparison to what she went through, but here I was whining.  

I didn't for long.  I actually stopped....looked at the nurse and said, "considering what my sister has gone through, this is cake!  I am NOT going to complain!"  And that was that.  My blood was drawn, I got my bandage and I left.

When Nikki was diagnosed with cancer in January of 2012, I honestly thought she would roll over and let it take her.  I couldn't have been more wrong!  That girl fought every single day!!!  She went through more tests and pokes and what not in the last year and a half of her life than I will probably ever go through!  If she can do all of that and STILL have a smile on her face.....then who am I to complain about the little things in life.  (I also believe she was in the doctor's office with me today ready to smack me upside the head for being a big ole belly acher!  lol)

I have said from day one that she is my hero.  :)  


  1. Silly girl...Nikki wasn't there to smack you over the head she was there to hold your hand :)
